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Where do we begin...?


Well hello again dear reader, where do we begin…?

Firstly to say, thank you for stopping by. I do sincerely hope you and your loved ones are managing ok in the current public health crisis that is affecting everyone on this planet in some way or other, right now. As we all try to navigate our way through the stormiest of seas, I do hope the boat you find yourself in protects you and guides you safely to the calmer waters ahead, that I so hope lie just over the horizon for us all..

Since last writing here I have been out sharing my tales and insights from Lovely Son’s (LS) world to colleagues and students through talks and seminars, along with starting to write a play about a mother’s insight into parenting a child with perceived ‘differences’ busy, busy really!

All in all, I decided I needed a shopfront for my various ventures, so I launched my business website: ‘Spectrum Talks’ on my 50th birthday, last week! I figured, I’m 50, what do I really want to be achieving in my life? What is really important to me..and equally what is not? I need to be truly honest with myself about these questions, and I then need to push myself to go towards those answers, because I now realise that’s where the real growing starts…and the real magic comes…

So yep, all in all quite a journey for me this past while…

And how is LS in all this world pandemic/mother’s mid-life pontifications??

Well, as reliable as ever, thankfully! I’m loving reading all about the new ‘normal’ that awaits us all these days, as if it can be ordered on Amazon?? Pandemic or no pandemic, I feel we all ultimately inhabit our own worlds, which are created from our responses to our environment, for better for worse…The real challenge for us all is to help create links between all these worlds, by daring to visit somebody else’s world and ask them how they are really doing…I’m so hoping that this pandemic helps open all our minds to all the worlds out there, to help the real growing take root for us all…I am so hoping that we will then foster a far greater understanding and appreciation of our differences, and begin to realise how much there is to celebrate for having this difference in our midst!

So yes, LS remains true to himself throughout all of this, of that I know I can always and white thinking, honey on bread for breakfast, etc… I know where I stand with him…I love it!

He is my anchor in this very stormy sea..I hope you too have an anchor to depend upon right now, dear reader; hint, you will find it grounded in steadfast honesty and reliability and love.

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